We lit the furnace with all the effort, In 2018. We were very happy; it was a big honor for us. Our dreams became reality; We owe all this to our efforts and our dear colleagues. And on the day of production, we were all staring at the melt temperature of 1500 and finally the production started. What a day it was!! We were all hugging each other with tears of joy. Thank God. It was a proud day; may it be blessed.
Azar mehr heris company was put into operation under the brand name Tabriz glass in 2018 and started producing all kinds of glass jars and bottles, general glass and special molds for food factories. This company has the ability to produce all kinds of jars and bottles, including 100 cc to 2500 cc. The technology belongs to Europe and uses the latest equipment. This company is ready to produce all kinds of special bottles and jars for food companies and others.